

Arugula looks similar to baby lettuce, but it packs a bigger, zesty flavor. This member of the mustards family has a rich, peppery taste and is often eaten raw. Unlike other mustards, arugula is usually 3-6 inches long. Try it in salads, or as a garnish for other foods including pasta and pizza. The leaves, flowers, seed pods, and mature seeds are all edible. 

Best Storage Practices: 

Store in a container or bag to preserve freshness. For arugula with the roots attached, wrap a moist towel around the roots and store in a bag. Store in vegetable drawer or crisper around 32 to 36 degrees F. 

Fun Ways to Eat and Cook: 

Arugula can be eaten raw or cooked. Arugula is great in salads with other greens, oil and vinegar. Arugula can be lightly sautéed and added to pasta dishes, vegetable medleys, etc.  

Selecting Arugula: 

Fresh arugula has long, firm, bright green leaves. Larger leaves are more peppery than small ones. Holes, tears, and yellowing edges are signs the greens are past their prime. If you can, buy arugula in bunches with the roots intact; this helps retain freshness.  

Why it's Good to Eat: 

  • Arugula is rich in vitamin C and potassium

When it's in Season:

Arugula is grown in the temperate months during spring and fall. It is harvested between March and May in the spring, and between late August and November in the fall.

How it's Harvested: 

Arugula can either be cut at the roots or pulled out and sold with root ball still on.  


Simple Mixed Greens Salad - Wash and dry arugula. Chop and mix with balsamic dressing or other vinaigrette. Fresh berries, tangy goat cheese, beets, or nuts make a delicious addition. Try some different combinations!