Bok Choy


Bok Choy, also called white Chinese cabbage, belongs to the leafy vegetable pak choi family of Chinese brassicas. Bok Choy has white or green, thick, crunchy stems with light to dark green wide leaves. Size can vary from 4-12 inches tall! All parts, stems and leaves, are eaten. Bok Choy is also called Chinese White Cabbage, Chinese Chard, Chinese Mustard Cabbage, Pak Choi – but whatever the name or size, they’re all delicious!

Best Storage Practices:

Store in the vegetable bin of your refrigerator (32 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit) in a paper or perforated plastic bag. Do not wash until you are ready to use. Use within 3-4 days.  

Fun Ways to Eat and Cook: 

Bok Choy leaves and young, tender stems can be steamed, boiled, stir-fried or microwaved until just wilted, 2-3 minutes. Because of its slight mustard taste, bok choy is often used in Asian dishes. Add a little soy sauce and garlic to the pan.  

Selecting Bok Choy: 

Select bok choy with firm white stems and fresh, bright green leaves.  

Why it's Good to Eat: 

  • Excellent source of vitamin C
  • Provides dietary fiber as well as some iron, calcium and folate
  • Good source of beta carotene, which your body can make into vitamin A (which is good for your eyes!)

When it's in Season: 

Spring and fall - leafy green veggies do better when the days and nights are cool.

How it's Harvested: 

Bok choy is a quick maturing veggie. It's usually ready 6-7 weeks after planting. Harvest in the morning when it's cool to keep the leaves from wilting. 


Bok Choy Stir-Fry - Stir-fry 1 clove minced garlic with 3 cups of chopped vegetables (carrot, celery, radishes, etc.) in 2 tablespoons of peanut oil and 1 teaspoon sesame oil. Add 1 bunch chopped bok choy and cook until just wilted. Stir in 2 tablespoons salt-reduced soy sauce and 1 tablespoon sweet chili sauce. Serve hot sprinkled with roasted sesame seeds. Pan-fry beef, chicken or fish for added variety.