Whole Foods Raises Nearly $30,000 for Farmer Foodshare on 5% Day

Farmer Foodshare’s Executive Director Gini Bell (left, behind check) and Director of Development and Communications Kate Rugani (right, behind check) were thrilled to accept a HUGE check (pun intended!) at the Chapel Hill Whole Foods Market.

Farmer Foodshare’s Executive Director Gini Bell (left, behind check) and Director of Development and Communications Kate Rugani (right, behind check) were thrilled to accept a HUGE check (pun intended!) at the Chapel Hill Whole Foods Market.

Shoppers who came out on Whole Foods’ 5% Day on April 18 raised nearly $30,000 — $29,927.70, to be exact — to extend Farmer Foodshare’s mission of fresh local food for all!

The whopping sum was collected as part of Whole Foods’ 5% Day program, through which Whole Foods donates 5% of the day’s net sales to an organization nominated and voted on by Whole Foods team members. Farmer Foodshare was honored to be chosen as this quarter’s recipient for the six stores in the Triangle area.

Farmer Foodshare Development Associate, Deb Boxill (left) and volunteer Erika Williamson at the Durham Whole Foods on April 18.

Farmer Foodshare Development Associate, Deb Boxill (left) and volunteer Erika Williamson at the Durham Whole Foods on April 18.

We had a blast that day connecting with people, handing out swag, and enticing shoppers to learn more about the local food system with a huge tower of Chapel Hill Toffee. HUGE shoutouts to the managers and team members from each of the six Triangle stores in Durham, Chapel Hill, Raleigh, and Cary for being such gracious hosts.

And of course, thanks to ALL of you who came out and shopped. You created more opportunities to support local farmers and help our entire community - particularly kids - access fresh food!