© 2009 by Jessica and Lon Binder or Flickr.com, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic license


Tatsoi is also known as “spinach mustard”. It is a broad-leafed green vegetable, varying in color from pale green to very dark green. When eaten, tatsoi has a somewhat creamy texture and noticeably distinct flavor. Because of the spoon-shape of its leaves, tatsoi is also known as “spoon mustard”. Tatsoi is a formidable plant and can withstand 15 degree weather and can even be harvested from underneath snow.

Best Storage Practices:

Store tatsoi in cold refrigeration, isolated in the crisper drawer with other cold-storage vegetables. Tatsoi has a short shelf-life and will only last a few days. Store in plastic bag and wait to wash until eating or cooking.

Fun Ways to Eat and Cook:

Tatsoi can be eaten raw or cooked and makes a great substitute for spinach, lettuce, or any greens for a salad. When cooking tatsoi, its best to steam or stir-fry with other vegetables or main dish.

Selecting Tatsoi:

Avoid tatsoi with bruising, discoloration, or damaged leaves. Wilting or holes signal old tatsoi that should not be eaten. If it doesn’t look fresh, don’t choose it!

Why it’s Good to Eat:

  • Great source of Vitamins A, C, & K
  • Good source of potassium and calcium
  • Good source of beta-carotene, phosphorous, and iron

When it’s in Season:

Tatsoi is a cool-temperature crop and can be found in markets during spring and fall. Tatsoi grows best in moderate climates, and is most common between late March and early June, as well as from mid-August until late September.

How it’s Harvested:

Tatsoi, like many mustard greens is most commonly harvested by hand to protect the delicate nature of the plant. Harvesting by hand ensures little to no damage is done to the vegetable.


Tatsoi and Mixed Greens Salad—Wash and chop tatsoi, spinach, and arugula. Toast available nuts—walnuts, almonds, cashews, or other. Top salad with toasted nuts and available fresh berries such as cranberries, blueberries, and others. Drizzle with oil, lemon juice, or sesame.